Monday, August 31, 2020

Monday, September 14 welcome to online Journalism procedures and expectations


Welcome to Journalism and our on-line class.!

There are three teachers associated with this class: myself (Ms. Parker), Ms. Zingaro and Ms. Sweet. At times we will be dividing up the class to make sure everyone receives the best instruction. We are all here to support you and make our learning successful. Our goal is create a supportive, classroom community. 

Please, please, do not hestitate to stay in commuication with us.

This is your Journalism blog. If you have had me before, you are familiar with the process. It's nice to see so many familiar faces!  

How will the mechanics of this class work? Each day on google classroom you will find a link to the day's blog. Simply press the link, and you will be taken to the current page. That's where you should be now.  We will begin each class with a contemporary news fact, followed by all the information you will need to complete the assignment, which might extend over a few days.     

Our class zoom meetings take place on MTRF from 1:15 to 1:45.

Ms. Parker's office hours are MTRF 11:45 to 12:45  and Wednesdays from 9:30 to 10:30 AND 12:30 to 1:30.

For Ms. Zingaro's students: she is available MTRF office hours are 1st and 3rd periods   Ms. Zengaro's office link

Ms. Sweet's students: she is availableMT R F: 9:30 to 10:00 and 1:50 to 2:20 and Wednesday: 9:30 to 11:30.

Senior Journalism                         Course Criteria Sheet    Mrs. Parker


Journalism is the natural expression of human curiosity and the exploration of human nature As with

other language arts courses, students will practice those reading, writing and oral skills that

promote proficiency. Our goal is their practical application to whatever further educational path the student chooses. This course introduces the strategies, tools and techniques of journalism. Students will work in a variety of media to explore local, national and global issues.  Upon the successful completion of the course, the student will receive one graduation credit.

Please save the information page for future reference. It will also be posted in google classroom and on our class blog.


Please sign and share with me page 3, indicating that you have read this material and have shared both the student and parent contact information.


IMPORTANT DATES: Curriculum Night – Wednesday, September 23 (6 – 8)

Parent teacher Conference dates:  Thursday, October 15; Wednesday, December 9

                                                             Wednesday, March 3, 2021, Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Needed Classroom Materials: chrome book

Technology support:  262-8700.  Need for Chromebooks

 MIFI Needs:  

PowerSchool Parent Portal: For instructions and a how-to view to set up your account, visit

*Contact information: Mrs. Parker’s google voice telephone: 585-568-7611; please leave a message and I’ll ring you back

 within 24 hours; e-mail:


Class blog:  This is the go-to place for students and parents for all class information, including readings and assignments. The site is updated daily and accessible 24-7, including all past assignments.  When students are absent, all material can be accessed here. As well, the blog information can be accessed google classroom and on the SOTA web page under staff.


Grading: 70%: writing and summative assessments; 30% language exercises and daily “do-nows” Numerical Delineation: 0-64 = F, 65-69= D, 70-74= C, 75 – 79 = C+, 80 – 84 = B, 85 – 89 = B+, 90 – 94 = A. 95 – 100 = A+ 


 Late work policy: Late work will be accepted for 50%, with the exception of those who have communicated directly with their teacher.


SEL (Social Emotional Check and Connect): Students have a Social Emotional Check and Connect from 8:30-8:50 each day. The teacher is their first period teacher. They should report to this check and connect time daily (their first period teacher will send them a link to the Zoom meeting).  This will be a time for questions, activities, discuss coping strategies, and opportunities to discuss social emotional competencies or standards. 

Attendance policy: Students are expected to arrive punctually to their assigned Zoom on-line class Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, where attendance will be taken. On Wednesday, students will work asynchronously; however, teachers will be available at scheduled times for assistance.  Wednesday attendance will be taken by either work received or by checking in with the teacher.




Please note the following school-wide classroom plan.

Be on time, Be prepared, Be engaged. Daily attendance in your on-line class is expected.




Page 2

Senior Journalism      Mrs. Parker                       due by Monday, September 21


Please sign and return the following to indicate that you have read the course criteria sheet.

My e-mail:


Student name _____________________________________________________


Student e-mail _________________________________________________________


Student phone number ___________________________________________________


Parent/ guardian name ___________________________________________________


Telephone _________________________________________________________________________


Parent e-mail ______________________________________________________________________






Monday, June 21

                                                        Your plans?