Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Tuesday, December 8 using quotation marks

The following did not submit their CFA work. Please do so now. There is no more allotted time. Whether you finished, you must submit!

Raven, Kareem, Maritiza, Jayleeany, Irving, Taliyah, 

Nasim, Alexis, Andrew S, Quintin, Andrew W, Amanda, Logan

News of the day: Breakdancing to make its Olympic debut at Paris 2024

 quotation mark

  1. each of a set of punctuation marks, single (‘ ’) or double (“ ”), used (1) either to mark the beginning and end of a title or quoted passage or (2) to indicate that a word or phrase is regarded as slang or jargon or is being discussed rather than used within the sentence.


ASSIGNMENT TODAY:  The next step after writing your news lead is inserting a quotation. Let's begin by reviewing the rules for quotation usage.  Note particularly the use of a quote within a quotation! Please take your time to read the following. When you have finished there is a practice exercise. Please complete and send along by  3 pm tomorrow.

1. To enclose titles of minor works: articles, essays, poems, songs, chapters 
or books, short stories, episodes of radio/TV programs.
2. To enclose  words used ironically or where the term
 so-called could be inserted.
3. To enclose a direct quotation:  a person's exact words
The following is from CNN on Sunday     
The mysterious head injuries suffered by US diplomatic staff in China and 
Cuba that had been described as "sonic attacks" are consistent 
with the use of 
directed microwave energy, according to a report published 
Saturday by 
the National Academy of Sciences.
"Overall, directed pulsed RF (radio frequency) energy, especially in those with the distinct early manifestations, appears to be the most plausible mechanism in explaining these cases among those that the committee considered," the report said.
NOTE:  Do not use quotation marks to enclose indirect quotations.   



1. Start the quotation with a capital letter.
2. Place commas and periods INSIDE the quotation 
3. Place semicolons and colons OUTSIDE the 
quotation marks.

4. Place question marks and exclamation marks 
INSIDE the quotation marks if the quotation itself is 
question or an exclamation.

5.  Place question marks and exclamation marks 
OUTSIDE the quotation marks if the quotation itself 
is NOT a question or exclamation.

USE SINGLE QUOTATION MARKS to enclose a quotation
 inside another quotation.
Examples:  !!!!!!

If the quotation within another quotation is a question or 
an exclamation, place appropriate punctuation next to the 
item concerned.


Question quotation inside statement quotation 

Statement quotation inside question quotation

Question quotation inside question quotation 

Exclamation quotation inside question quotation
Question quotation inside exclamation quotation
Look carefully..these are tricky!

Webapps.towson.edu, webapps.towson.edu/ows/punct2.aspx#quotation_marks.

Please rewrite the following sentences, inserting quotation 

marks and other punctuation as needed. READ CAREFULLY.

1.  Did you see that new movie asked my friend 

2.  When she saw his new Mercedes, she exclaimed What a               beautiful 

3.  I just finished reading Shirley Jackson's short story The Lottery

4.  Did Jack really say It's not my responsibility

5.  The composer asked if the orchestra would play this Thursday

6.  I'm going to the newsstand he said for a copy of the newspaper 

7.  You're out of your mind exclaimed Tony, slamming the door

8.  The professor asked When was the treaty signed

9.  The mayor promised that the project would be completed in two months

10.  The Wasteland is a poem by T.S. Eliot

  11. Paul asked Did you read Keat's poem Endymion 

12.  Do you remember Joe asking Is anybody here she asked 

13.  Shall I read aloud Milton's poem On His Blindness she asked

14.  Weren't my exact words We all heard Harry yell Help

15.  I enjoyed the poem The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock said 

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Monday, June 21

                                                        Your plans?